Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today is the Last Day of Summer

"Don't you just love...fall? It makes me want to shop for back to school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address." Shopgirl

I can hardly contain my excitement that tomorrow officially marks the first day of fall, thus what I have been longing for the entire month of September will actually be true. My most FAVORITE season I am so excited for you!!

Some of my favorite things about fall:

Apple Orchards,Cooking with apples AND pumpkins, Cool enough weather for jeans and a jacket - but no coat yet! Bonfires, Apple Cider on the stove, Candles that smell like cinnamon, or pumpkin, or apples (you see the trend here :) Windows open, Snuggling, Trees changing color, It's the Eve of the Christmas season, Back to school- yes secretly I love(d) school, MU football, Chief's football, Well just football season in general :) Eating Chili on Sunday afternoons while watching football, The Shryock Corn Maze, Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival, any fall festivals, ... I could go on and on :)

Tonight if you get the chance you should go outside at dusk and see the Super Harvest Moon. Apparently it only happens every 20 years. You can read about it here:

Here's a quick update on life. We are super close to our support being finished with just over $700/month left to raise. We found out that we get to go on Fall Retreat this weekend, seeing as we are so close to being finished (not supposed to do any ministry until we are fully funded- but they gave us an okay!) and are so excited about that. Fall Retreat is a weekend where students get to "get away" from school and their campuses and spend the weekend hanging out (Missouri schools go to Turkey Hill Bible Ranch ) hearing God's Word, worshipping, playing sports and connecting with other students. We are so excited to get to be there and begin building relationships with students. It is THIS weekend, so we are pretty excited.

Danny and I are continuing to look for a church home here and are hoping that God shows us one soon. We really want to begin plugging into community here.

Danny's brother Kenny got engaged this month, and we are just so excited for he and Brenda. Brenda is my age and (WOOT) an MU grad!! so of course she already feels like family :)

Still trying for that baby! It's been about 8 months, crazy to think that if we had gotten pregnant right away we would be due soon! WHOA! Trusting in God's timing.

Please keep us in your prayers. And pray for my sister Mary, that she would find her strength in the Lord.

Thank you for your friendship!


  1. um hello, that quote is from YOU'VE GOT MAIL!!!

    other than that good work on the autumn love:) can't wait for you to come back and us to enjoy it together, but so happy you're at fall getaway!!!

  2. I love that you have a picture of freshly sharpened pencils!!! Awesome sister!!! ~Jenny (b/c i don't know how to do my own name) :)
