Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Project!

First I want to begin by praising Jesus! Thanking Him for His grace and His love that He lavishes on us. We have seen God do incredible things the last few weeks. He is CHANGING lives! He is exposing sin, setting people free, teaching them the truth of Himself, and drawing them to Himself. He is so good.

It is hard to believe that Summer Project will soon be over for us! These last few weeks have been incredible.

Danny (being the Operation's Director of project) needed to be here a few days earlier than the rest of the staff, and so we arrived on May 23rd. We spent the first night relaxing and went to Downtown Disney to eat dinner with the other project director's Kevin and Lindsey. Lindsey has been such a source of wisdom for me this summer, I am so thankful that God brought us here so that I could watch her do ministry and try to absorb all I can from what God has taught her.

(Danny, Kevin, and Lindsey- taking us out to eat at Downtown Disney our first night)

(Riding the ferry over to another area of Downtown Disney)

We were thankful for some much needed downtime this first night, after having traveled for 2.5 days to get to Florida. The next day we DOVE in, and it has been NON-STOP ever since! :)

The rest of the staff arrived a couple of days after us, and then the students arrived on May 30th. It was so wonderful getting to meet the students we had been praying for, and after anticipating the great things God was going to do in their lives we were eager for them to be here.

I would love to try and describe a typical day for you, but EVERY DAY is different! :) The first week was a lot of orientation with the students and they also were headed to Disney often- having to go through a lot of work orientation as well.

After the students were assigned their work locations (all in Magic Kingdom), they began working, and the picture of "life on project" began to unfold.

Danny and my roles look very differently: he does a lot of behind the scenes work with operations and disciples 2 staff men, while I disciple 4 student women, and co-direct our "women's times".

Our days consist of all different things like:

Monday: Bible study led by staff for students (squeeze in discipleship appointments with whoever is off work), Staff Meeting, and Staff Planning time.

Tuesday: 2 hours of "Prayer and Share" - the "share" being going out and sharing the Gospel through initiating spiritual conversations via a spiritual interest survey. (Discipleship with whoever is off work)

Wednesday: ALL students get off work for the entire day, and we spend the day doing an activity together- stepping out in faith and trusting the Lord. I would LOVE to tell you more about these days, but it would take too long here. A few examples: "Surfing the Waves of Faith" stepping out in faith- beach evangelism and surf lessons, the "International Journey"- a tour through different cultures and the availability of the Gospel in their country- this took place in the World Showcase at Epcot and was followed by initiating spiritual conversations with college interns from different countries- it was INCREDIBLE.

Thursday: 2 hour Men's and Women's Times (this is what I helped co-lead). Our theme for the Women's times was FIGHT. We asked the women to think of the things our culture tells us to fight for, and instead replace it with what God would have us to fight to believe instead. It was an acronym for the following...

Identity in Christ
Truth (basing our reality on the Word of God)

Each week a different staff member spoke on each of these topics. I spoke on Identity in Christ... something I definitely am not proficient in, but something that God has been radically changing in my life over the past 3 years. I was thankful to get to share my experience and the truth of God's word on that subject, as I continue to find my identity in what He says is true about me, and not how I feel.

Friday: our day off!! :)

Saturday: The students are all split into different ministry teams (such as Prayer Team, Movement Launchers, World Vision, etc...) These teams give students and opportunity to serve and to learn leadership responsibilities they will be able to take back to their campuses in the fall, and hopefully step into roles of leadership there. (also squeeze in discipleship appt's)

Sunday: church together, discipleship appt's, then Staff Team Time- Kevin, Lindsey and Danny will share some content with us that is very helpful in ministry. Last week we went over how to deal with conflict using the "conflict wheel"... an area that we definitely ALL can grow in.

So that is probably more than you even wanted to know, but I want you to have even a small picture of what life has looked like for us.

As you all have (or will) read when you get our newsletter-- I got to be a part of sharing the Gospel with a Walt Disney World International College Program student from China who eagerly gave her life to Christ 2 weeks ago and it was incredible. She is 1 of 20 people who have prayed to receive Christ during this Summer Project. And by God's grace that number will continue to grow after we (the Staff) leave... and students continue to spend their summer working here and investing in the lives of the other college students working alongside them at Disney.

Now I will share with you a picture of the PRECIOUS girls I get to disciple!! From the left Ashley, Morgan, Anna, and Krystal. I adore them. Here are some of the things God has been teaching them:

* He is not waiting for them to get "better" at being a Christian before He uses them, they are perfect and completely USABLE in His sight, because of Christ.

* He doesn't love them more when they get things right, His love for them is not based on what they do.

* His POWER is made PERFECT in their weakness.

* Grace, Grace, Grace!! (I don't think we will ever fully grasp the amazingness of it!)

We had dinner together and here we are attempting to make Smores by roasting marshmallows over the stove :)

Thanks for reading. Don't hesitate to ask any questions, I'd love to share more with you!


1 comment:

  1. SO happy and excited and PROUD of you guys! Keep doing God's work, and I can't wait to catch up when you get back! A Springfield visit is definitely in order!
