Monday, August 1, 2011

the Whole Facebook thing

So this isn't going to be long, I just wanted to give my reasons... notice they are mine, and not anything I think anyone else should be doing.

Let me preface by saying I LOVE facebook... a little too much in fact, and it is because of this "addiction"... (I mean seriously when your fingers randomly type out the word facebook in mid air when you are sitting down doing nothing, there might be a problem).

In an attempt to grow in the area of my time management this semester, there are things that will have to be sacrificed... and for me, facebook is one of them.

I am hopeful that as a result I will be forced out of my comfort zone and required to actually CALL people when I need to meet up with them (scary!) haha, or possibly write an email instead of writing on their wall... and possibly grow in areas that I am staying stagnant. Oh how I will miss stalking you.... :)


  1. We have found we get a quicker response from the younger generations with facebook messages than with email or phone messages. Only texting gets a quicker response. Don't twitter so can't compare. Connecting via facebook is both superficial and efficient. FWIW. I love you Nicole, DAD

  2. I am with you. For me, Facebook does not actually encourage depth in relationship. It does encourage a lot more time sitting in front of a screen.

    Just one person's vote, but I applaud you all the way, Nicole.


    Cathy Groves

  3. I tried to stay away from facebook too. They make it so easy to come back though. When you deactivate, all you have to do is sign back in to reactivate. I hope you have more self control than I did! :-D
