Monday, April 12, 2010

We moved

So as you all know... Danny and I have moved from Columbia :( I don't think it has really set in yet. We went back last week so I could work my last shift at University Hospital, and it started to sink in a little. We were driving over to Annie's apartment (she lives about 30 seconds from our old apt) and as we were passing our old driveway, it didn't set in on me that we DON'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE and I looked at Danny like, "hey why aren't you slowing down, you just passed our driveway?"... then it dawned on me, and sunk in a little more.

So I am so thankful that it is Spring, because that in itself is so life-giving, and so it helps to make this transition more enjoyable I think. For those that don't know, Danny and I have moved in with Danny's parents in St. Joseph, Mo while we finish raising our support to be on full time staff with Campus Crusade for Christ. Although we never thought we would ever move back in with our parents, or live in St. Joe again, it is a blessing and I am thankful for it. Even if it is not exactly the way I would have chosen it to play out. And I am hopeful for the support opportunities that I know God has for us here!

Many of you are wondering how has been with giving up working as a nurse. I think right now it is too soon for me to be able to answer that. I think I am still on a high from all this great sleep I've been getting since I quit. (If you know someone who works nights, go give them a HUG!) Seriously... I feel like I am on cloud nine. Last night I practically was jumping up and down when I told Danny "I don't have to stay up all night this week, I don't have to stay up all night this week... for the first time in 4.5 months I don't have to stay up all night!!" I loved the ambiance of the night shift... But the reality of what it does to your sleep patterns, and for me- my body and emotions... I am thankful right now for a break.

Here are some pictures, more to come soon.
Here is a picture of the sewing machine Danny surprised me with. We have been talking about getting one for probably over a year now. I have a really huge desire to learn to sew, and to be able to make things like curtains, and house-y stuff once we have our own place. So this is my beautiful sewing machine... which is just AMAZING. And I have actually already done my first sewing project, and I think it turned out amazingly (love you Annabelle), thanks to YouTube videos on "how to sew an envelope pillow case" HAHA!
Here is our apartment on the first weekend that we began to start packing. (We started really several weeks before we were going to move because we didn't want to feel too overwhelmed). This is the attempt to sort through and pack up the guest room... which was really like a storage closet/office with a bed in it :)

Praying for you dear ones. I love you. Please email me and let me know how I can be praying for you. Please pray that Danny and I will get more support appointments this week. Right now we have 1.


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